Monday, September 22, 2014

Economic Berlin Wall

When things get to bad in a country, the biggest symptom is an outflow of refugees. In East Germany it started with a trickle and quickly swelled to the point that the Russkies were compelled to build a great big wall complete with wire, lights, guards, and land mines to keep their happy citizens in.

Now the U.s. is reaching that point with the most successful being the first to fly the coop. They either individually renounce their citizenship to allow themselves to have a bank account in the foreign country they're already living in, or else arrange to live in one that treats them better.

At the corporate level, we now have the third highest corporate tax in the world and corporations are searching out ways to escape the tyranny. Since serious money is involved, the government is taking an interest and has announced policies (note: NOT laws) to discourage this much like the East Germans added extra rows of bricks and mines to discourage departures.

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