Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Save The Mammoth

The government is attempting to set a precedent by designating some 1500 acres in Louisiana to be essential to the continued existence of the Dusky Gopher Frog.
The feds justify the designation by saying that part of the land is suitable for the frog and the rest “could be made suitable” with “reasonable effort.”
Of course with reasonable effort (flooding) the land could become more suitable for alligator as well. Problem is that the folks in Louisiana know the 'gators all too well for that argument to carry much weight.

The designation is apparently aimed at shutting down a timber operation for no reason except that it's a business which = bad.

The other problem with this effort is that the frog hasn't been seen is about 50 years and may well already be extinct. The plus side of this for the government is that it is no longer necessary for a creature to actually exist in order to call for expropriation of lands and resources to protect it. If the gambit succeeds, expect something on a grander scale.

The Wooly Mammoth once roamed the entire North American continent and the land is either currently suitable for it or “could be made suitable” with “reasonable effort.” No further development will be permitted anywhere until suitable habitat has been restored, etc. etc. It only sounds stupid until you realize that it would make the EPA the most powerful government agency in the U.S. answerable to nobody.

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